4 Keys to Finding Joy in this Season

I have officially spent over two months at home with Nate. I’ve always longed to spend more time at home with my husband, but a pandemic isn’t exactly what I had in mind!


While I think we have both really enjoyed this unexpected extra time spent together at home, being in such close quarters 24/7, we’ve each had a few moments of frustration and tested nerves. So on the blog today I’m sharing a few of the thoughts and actions that have helped us enjoy this time together, and have kept us positive and joy-filled, even without a break from each other for 60+ days!


1. Be Ready to Chalk-a-Line

What does it mean to chalk a line? For us, it’s making the decision to stop in our tracks and start fresh when needed. Perhaps it’s a conversation, an attitude, or even a different action that needs to happen so we can move forward together. Sometimes when things get testy, the best thing we can do is draw a line and start over fresh with and for each other. It’s also a great reminder that we are not enemies, but teammates working together for a common good.


2. Give Grace

Grace, defined as unearned or unmerited favor, is an incredibly important element in our marriage. Spending all this extra time together recently, living with grace feels more important than ever. I focus on giving grace to myself, as well as to Nate, on a daily basis. We forgive each other and also give the wonderful gift of grace freely on a regular basis. In difficult times, looking at others through the lens of grace can make a world of difference.


3. Laughter 

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, “laughter is the best medicine,” I for one believe this to be true! Whether we’re going for an evening walk, playing a game, or even having a difficult conversation, building laughter into our relationship and into our daily lives brings levity and joy to us. It’s especially encouraging as we don’t have much time apart these days…and who wouldn’t want to spend all their time smiling and laughing with a best friend?


4. Play!

If you read this recent blog post, you know Nate and I have always loved playing games together. We are taking full advantage of this new-found extra time we have together, and are certainly setting aside time for play. We have been playing catch in the backyard in the evening, putting puzzles together, and we have played virtually every board game we own at least once in the past two months! “Play” keeps our minds and bodies young…we can be competitors or teammates–as long as it’s all in good fun! 😉


In Summary & Behind the Blog Video

Thanks so much for taking the time to explore these keys to joy with me today. For more information, please check out my Behind the Blog video below. Until next week, I hope you find adventure and encouragement (and joy!), wherever you go.

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