My Fall Reading List

Today I’m on the road, heading home from another wonderful trip, and I’m ready to spend the next few days just relaxing on the couch with Thumper and a good book. Now that Fall is upon us, it seems like the perfect time to share some of the words that are encouraging me in this season. Below you’ll find the books I’ve been enjoying in my Autumn reading list…


Love Does by Bob Goff

Have you ever had a big dream of doing something incredible with your life? I know that I have, and as Bob Goff shares some of his incredible stories, I guarantee you’ll start feeling a fiery passion burning in your own heart. This book is an uplifting and inspiring read. No matter where you are or what you’re going through, I truly believe this book will bless and encourage you. If you haven’t read Love Does…grab it now! I loved this book so much I downloaded the audiobook so I can hear Mr. Goff share (in his own voice) the power of what love does any time I need a little reminder! 😉


You Are Free by Rebecca Lyons

”Do you remember a moment you felt completely free? We weren’t made to keep up. We were made to be free. To be who we already are.” –Rebecca Lyons. For me, this book was a beautiful bundle of soul encouragements. The words lift my spirit and speak loving truth. Each chapter ends with a few gentle questions that allow time for prayerful reflection and preparation to move forward into joyful freedom.


The Undoing of Saint Silvanus by Beth Moore

I’ve spent countless hours with Beth Moore…at least it feels like it! Many of her Bible studies have played an important role in my faith walk over the years. When she released her first fiction novel, I couldn’t wait to scoop it up. At over 460 pages, The Undoing of Saint Silvanus is a hearty read, and as the mystery twists and turns, I found myself eager to get from one page to the next. I hope this will not be Beth Moore’s only fiction work, as it is a well written and touching story.


Choose Joy by Kay Warren

My mom gave me this book, and it has spoken to me in multiple seasons. I love the mountaintop times in my life when joy comes easily…but where is that joy in the valley seasons? Kay Warren unpacks this idea with tenderness and truth. As she says in the book, “we cannot have joy and worry at the same time… joy and gratitude always go together.” And I tend to agree with her. 😉


Hope Heals by Katherine and Jay Wolf

One Sunday, we had a pair of guest speakers visit our church. Katherine and Jay Wolf came to share their story, outlined in their book, of Katherine’s brainstem stroke, and the hope that can be found when all seems lost. Something struck a powerful chord with me when they spoke. I bought their book on the spot and drank in the words page after page. I now know God was preparing me for our own family’s journey of faith and hope. Just a few short months after reading Hope Heals, my sweet and perfect 10-year-old niece suffered an AVM, a massive brainstem stroke…and our family was thrown into that new reality of uncertainty. I remember those first few days with so many unknowns. I clung to the words of this book, “even the smallest sign of life is the beginning of hope.” I still can’t read a chapter from this book without being brought to tears…but they are sweet and tender tears. If you have felt broken by pain or suffering; if you have carried the weight of disappointment, Hope Heals will show you that you are not alone and that we can suffer strong as we run our race with hope. I cannot recommend this book enough...but bring tissues…you’re gonna need them!


All But Normal by Shawn Thornton

Guys, this one is another tearjerker, so get ready! If you’ve ever felt like you came from or have been in a less than perfect season or place, I believe this book will speak to you. My dad says, “When I’m not feeling heard, I try to hear and understand where those around me are coming from.” I love his perspective, and I’m always seeking to understand more in my own life and in the lives of those around me. We all have a story, a history, and a journey that has helped lead us to where we are now. As Pastor Thornton unpacks his youth growing up on Victory Road, I think you’ll feel a little less alone wherever you are in your own journey too. 


So those are a few of the books I’ve been loving lately. What are you reading now? I’d love to hear your recommendations…I’m eager to add to my library this Fall!
